Why is Belief in God as Creator Fundamental?

I ran across this quote by Randy Alcorn and found it to fit in rhythm with Piper’s video that was previously posted:

I particularly cringe when I hear evangelicals view Genesis 1-11 as poetry or allegory and talk about God using macroevolution to “create” the first man and woman, which is basically “stick a soul in a sufficiently evolved primate.” What are the implications of Jesus and his obvious belief in the first man and woman, and Paul’s explanation that we all sinned in Adam? If God created Eve out of Adam, then that is an explicit disproof of God choosing two primates to honor as the “first man and first woman.”

If Paul was wrong, then so much for inspiration. If Jesus was wrong, so much for salvation. Yet, I know evangelicals, including some bestselling authors and prominent influencers—who though they avoid saying these things publicly—nonetheless, believe them privately, or at least consider then viable positions. But without the biblical doctrine of creation, there is no doctrine of redemption.

Read the whole post here.



Caleb Gallifant


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