Archives For Sam Storms

C. Michael Patton and Tim Kimberley are doing great things at Credo House Ministries. I’ve enjoyed tracking with their blog for a couple of years and their Theology Unplugged podcast for a little over a year (Sam Storms joins them for the podcast). Both Michael & Tim are smart men and their podcasts, apps, and blog (and coffee shop if you live in Edmond, OK) are great resources for intelligent and down-to-earth Christian thinking.

Having said that, Michael recently blogged about “Eight Ways to Go Wrong in Bible Study.” His answers are whimsical, yet convicting. They are not just for those struggling to read the word, but everyone wanting to be a great student of the word. God’s word should lead us to him, but not all of our Bible reading feels that way. Michael’s points are not meant to shame us, but shed light on how we can develop healthier Bible reading habits. Take a look at his eight ways:

1. Lucky lotto: (eyes closed) – “Umm . . . I will read this verse”

2. Brussels Sprouts: “Do I have to?”

3. Channel Changer: “Let’s read something else”

4. Concorde: “Watch how fast I can finish”

5. Baseball card: “I’m very picky”

6. Clint Eastwood: “I don’t need anyone’s help”

7. Magical: “Abracadabra . . . It applies to my life”

8. Indiana Jones: “Let’s find the hidden meaning”

Find out what all of his points represent in the post.