Evan Fry and Dan Swartz – Taken by Fast Company
“There is an art” writes Rae Ann Fera of Fast Company, “to getting the most out of your teams of creative professionals. When the job is to conjure the next brilliant idea out of thin air, against deadline, via a combination of inspiration, hard work, experience, intuition, and confidence, getting the best work out of creative people on a consistent and efficient basis can be tricky business.”
Fera outlines 10 tips that Evan Fry and Dave Swartz put into practice in their roles of managing creatives at Crispin Porter + Bogusky:
- Set the Bar
- Identify and Leverage Traits of Individuals
- Cater to Strengths
- Keep Your Hands Dirty
- Suggest–But Don’t Necessarily Impose–a Process
- Create Healthy Confusion
- Encourage Switching Off to Switch On
- Keep Them Reproducing
- Make Retention a Conscious Choice
- Know When To–And Be Able To–Speak The Tough Truth.
Our atmosphere today is a digital one. These are therefore helpful guidelines for any organization regardless of one’s industry.
Read the full article here.